As homeowners, we are always looking to keep our homes comfortable and up to date. If you are planning to update your kitchen flooring for the new year (trying to amaze your friends and family on Thanksgiving and Christmas?) then you need to look no further than our guide on kitchen flooring trends for 2023. To ensure that you have all the information that you need to pursue your home renovation dreams, we have compiled a list of 5 flooring options that you might consider using in your home’s kitchen.

Here are are  3 common ways for you to know when your hardwood flooring is beyond repair:

  1. Your floor begins moving under your feet
  2. You start seeing nails protruding from your hardwood floors
  3. You see noticeable signs of water damage


Your Floor Moves Under Foot

Excessive shifting or buckling is a telltale sign that your hardwood floors are due for replacement. Some buckling and movement is okay, and might even be fixable. Minor warping and shifting of hardwoods is normal in most instances, even with newer flooring. As the flooring adjusts to temperature and moisture conditions in your home, it will become slightly misshapen. But, if you are noticing major signs of buckling, lifting or any general floor looseness across the entirety or majority of your floor plan, then water damage is the most likely cause of this issue. In this case, the most cost-effective way to stop the buckling is to replace the floor entirely.


Nails are Protruding From the Floor

Perhaps the most obvious sign that your flooring has to go is the emergence of visible nailheads. Hardwood floors can last decades, and in this time the floors can become so worn down that the nails that hold them in place will begin emerging to the top. A few nails here or there is probably not a huge annoyance, and some can even be hammered back down for a quick and easy fix. But if you are seeing loose nails all across your floor plan, it is likely time to start considering replacement. This could be indicative of more serious issues, and at this point, repair will only delay the inevitable.

Noticeable Signs of Water Damage

Water is a hardwood floor’s greatest enemy. Water damage can occur for many reasons, and it can cause some major issues when it comes to your hardwood floors’ integrity. As it was mentioned earlier, water damage is a common cause of floor shifting and buckling. But it causes other problems and creates other warning signs as well.

Your hardwood floor has been water damaged and could need to be repaired or replaced if you notice:

  • Staining and discoloration,
  • lifted nails, lifting,
  • warping and mold growth.

Not all water damage necessarily requires your floor to be completely replaced, but it does warrant some serious consideration.


For more information about hardwood flooring, or for an estimate on replacement, contact the professionals at Carpet Center today!

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