As homeowners, we are always looking to keep our homes comfortable and up-to-date. If you are planning to update your kitchen flooring for the new year, then you need to look no further than our guide on kitchen flooring trends for 2023. To ensure that you have all the information that you need to pursue your home renovation dreams, we have compiled a list of 5 flooring options that you might consider using in your home’s kitchen.

Oversized Flooring Planks

Oversized plank flooring is becoming a popular kitchen flooring option for a variety of reasons. For starters, these oversized planks create fewer seams in your kitchen’s floor. This will give your space a cleaner and more modern look while also minimizing the need for maintenance by reducing the number of seams on your floor. Oversized planks are a great choice for larger rooms, as they do not appear as “busy” as typical narrow plank flooring.

Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta tiles are a timeless flooring option due to their durability and warm tones. Terracotta has been used all throughout history, but they are making a comeback in 2023 due to their rustic charm and warm allure. Terracotta tiles come in a variety of shapes and patterns, and they are a great option for country/farmhouse styles because they create a warm aesthetic in any room they are found in. 

Real Wood Flooring

For those of you looking to make an investment in a high-quality, long-lasting, and timeless flooring option; real wood plank flooring is the perfect option for you. Seen as a more traditional option to many, wooden plank flooring has become a breath of fresh air in modern home design due to the market’s saturation with faux wooden prints on non-wooden materials. The durability and longevity of this flooring option makes it perfect for high-traffic areas like kitchens and living rooms.

Matte Finished Stone

Another great earthy option for your home’s kitchen is stone tile. Stone tile can be found in many shapes, styles, and tones. For a natural look, large stone tiles are a perfect kitchen flooring option. They are easy to clean, durable, and will leave your kitchen with a calm and natural look


Patterned Floor Tiles

If you want a unique floor for the new year, you should consider choosing patterned floor tiles. This is a broad category, as floor tiles come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. You can look through various catalogs or mood boards to find the tile pattern that is right for you, or you can go rogue and design your own unique pattern custom to the look and feel of your home. Creativity is well-valued in modern home design, and 2023 will see the continued exploration of tile and its many uses and benefits. 


For more information on flooring options, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, contact us here at the Carpet Center today! 

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