3 Fail-Proof Ways to a Perfectly Clean Floor

There is no one magic pill to solve all of your everyday problems. But a clean floor makes things so much easier and better, right? So we have come up with 3 tested ways to perfectly clean your floor. Keep reading to explore the processes that won’t only help you impress your guests but you yourself will be astounded by looking at the end result.


1. Steam Cleaning – Hygiene at Its Best:

So, what floor type are we talking about here? From carpets and tiles to hardwood and whatnot! This is the most talked about floor cleaning option when you are looking for deep dirt cleanse. The best part about this way of cleaning is its hygiene factor; the steam machine doesn’t produce any harmful agents like shampoo cleaning. Instead, the steam will kill the bacteria residing in your carpet fibers or those crawling on your hardwood floors or even tiles. Steam cleaning uses water to produce powerful steam that makes your entire flooring look anew! It will leave your floor and room smelling fresh all of a sudden. This may sound like a heavy cleaning fix on your pocket but it’s worth every penny spent!


2. Mop Like You Mean it:

With mopping, we’re basically referring to a floor cleaning option that is an easy concept for almost every household, not to mention, an economical one too! What you need for a successful cleaning mission here are your tools – tools of the titans! Sounds serious? It’s about time you took cleaning seriously!

Anyhow, always go with the two buckets rule. One with clean water, and the other one for washing away the mop dirt. Before you begin, sweep the floor with a broom, prepare your battlefield – the floor space we mean. Once the furniture has been moved a little, attack! Use the vinegar and water mix as a cleaning agent or continue your pick of favorite cleaning shampoos and solutions. Get rid of all the stickiness by moving the mop to and fro twice, with great force.


3. Vacuum the Dust Away:

You have probably grown up listening “Do as the Romans Did.” For a twist in-floor cleaning scenario, how about you do as the floor cleaners do? The professionals we mean. Vacuuming carpeted floors can be a real struggle if you are a beginner and a total fiasco if you do not regularly clean the air ducts. Keeping the machine ducts clean will help suck all the dust and clear away all sorts of garbage from your carpet. Vacuuming should be done slowly and with a proper rigid posture. Moreover, make sure to vacuum the nooks of your house – your partner can help move that heavy furniture a bit, no biggie! No wonder vacuuming is best suited for carpeted floors but they can also be used to make your hardwood floors dust free and help pick up solid food debris from the floors as well.

Now you are aware of 3 fail-proof ways for perfect floor cleaning. Complain no more and get started TODAY! Which one are you going to go with?

To learn more about our floor cleaning services, click here. 

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