Carpet Cleaning Tips | 3 Tips for Taking Care of Your Bamboo Flooring

Three tips for taking care of your flooring, keep them looking like new! 

Bamboo flooring has strength and durability along with the aesthetics many people are looking for when choosing to floor for their homes or businesses. After the installation process, it is essential to take proper care of your flooring to ensure it lasts a long time and maintains its beauty with age. Understanding adequate cleaning, care, and maintenance of a bamboo floor before installing it is one way to make sure this happens.


Safely Cleaning Bamboo Flooring

There are several cleaning products which are specifically for cleaning bamboo flooring. You will also find that most hardwood floor cleaners are also appropriate for bamboo, provided they are non-alkaline and are not wax. 


Stay Dry!

Bamboo is more resistant to damage from moisture than most hardwoods. Though you should never wet mop bamboo flooring or immerse it in water for any reason.

A damp mop may be used to remove surface stains and pick up small debris, but do not allow the bamboo to remain moist for more than a few minutes. If you are using a bamboo floor cleaning product that requires mixing with water, you should carefully follow all manufacturer instructions. 


Tread Lightly 

Trim pets’ nails short.

Make bamboo floors a barefoot or socked feet zone. The soles of street shoes can trap fine pebbles that can scratch floors.

Put colorfast felt or other soft pads under all chairs and other furniture. No scraping means no scratching. 

If you can, limit sun exposure, as UV rays will damage and discolor your bamboo flooring over time. Hang blinds and curtains on windows in your home, and you’ll implement a simple solution to this dilemma. They shield excess outdoor light, and you’ll have décor that enhances your home’s interior.

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